Friday, December 26, 2008

The Mosque

We are located inside a Kuwaiti naval base. Right in the middle of that naval base is a mosque. We have been given strict instruction to not go near it. It is actually located in the center of a large traffic circle. We are allowed to walk on the sidewalk on the outside of the traffic circle, but no on the sidewalk on the inside. So along with a mosque comes the call to prayer that is broadcast over loudspeakers from the top of the miranet. I haven’t kept track but I understand it’s five times a day. The first one is at five in the morning. Before coming here people I was told it would always be waking you up. Before I started my 4am schedule I didn’t notice it. Maybe they turned the volume down. It is 5pm and it just stated again. I don’t know if it goes based on sun up and sun down, or set times. Like I said it hasn’t been so loud that it’s a main aspect of the day. There was a lot of discussion as to whether it is a recording or an actual person. Some have said they heard coughing over the speakers so it must be a person, but I heard the coughing today as well, and I think it may be happening on Fridays when they do their main prayers. Instead of Sunday worship, they do Friday prayers, and when I heard the coughing he was speaking as opposed to ‘singing’. I think the normal call to prayer is a recording.

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